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Closet review
min 3 h
3 hr3 hrCustomer's Place
450 euro
€ 450
Service Description
Before you jump into shopping, it is wise to check whether you need to buy anything at all. We can bring your existing wardrobe to the next level and make the best of it. Make your wardrobe work for you. At the end of the closet review, you decide how to deal with the items you won't wear anymore. I have some suggestions if you care about the planet. *Please note: - the price mentioned for 3 hours, which is a minimum - offline consultation excludes traveling costs (0.70 euro/km) - in a sale season the hourly rate increases to 180 euro/h.
Contact Details
+ 31631228909
Benjamin Jonsonlaan 64, 2135VP Hoofddorp, Netherlands
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